I finally got a new mePhone last week (been without a cellphone since end of August) so I tried out the camera downtown yesterday.
BikePortland has a series of action shots of cyclists biking around Portland, and sometimes they get indignant cyclists writing in saying "how dare you post pictures of me without my permission!" Now, I'm sure cyclists would love to be featured here, but yesterday I focused just on locked up stationary bikes.
This first one is at Soulful Soups and Spirits. 15% off if you ride your bike - might have to ride the one block there on my lunch.
out front Riverpark Square |
at the Library |
out back Riverpark Square |
Wall Street & Spokane Falls Blvd |
Chase Bank |
lunch was almost over before I realized I didn't get any Jimmy John's bikes.
This was parked between Jimmy John's and Thomas Hammers, so I'm not sure
if it is one of the delivery bikes
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